Paired or pairing up either way your birds require a healthy level of calcium and this can not be acheieved by grit alone, remeber grit becomes damp and the birds will not take it in this state.
Calcium is a mineral which is consistently overlooked. I hear from many fanciers who say my birds get plenty of grit at times but this just isn’t enough. Let’s take a closer look at why we need calcium; the muscular skeletal structure of the pigeon is over 90% calcium.
All birds need calcium as it facilitates bone formation, muscle, brain and nerve function. Hens, especially at times of laying, need high amounts to form their eggs as the shells are virtually pure calcium. If the hen is low on calcium, it will draw from its body reservoir leaving the bird very distressed and in many cases off its feet.
D3 is very important for the absorption of calcium. Without D3, very little calcium will be absorbed, no matter how much grit you give.
This time of year with dark nights, short days and very little sunshine all creatures tend to be low on D3.
You can but your Bio-Cal here