We have set out three examples of how you may use or products to assist in keeping your pigeons in optimum condition. When the season starts, be it breeding, racing or even post season when the birds are under going the moult, even more so with youngsters that have been subjected to the ‘darkness system’ stress will be a factor and we are all aware that stress can lead to the breakdown of condition and then which in turm may leave the birds open to desease which is what we want to stay well clear of.
By selecting each of the links below you will be able to print or down load a PDF of each of our schedules. Of course there are more products than we have listed in the schedules as these are only an example of how you can use them in your loft routine. I f you wish to try any of our products along side your own system then this is also fine and please feel free to contact us about any querries you may have, remember we are here to help, your success is also ours!